残奥会英语作文 2


      Special Olympics is an international organization created to help people with intellectual disabilities develop self-confidence, social skills and a sense of personal accomplishment through sports training and competition. Among their other activities, Special Olympics conducts the Special Olympics World Games every four years.

      Over two million athletes of all ages are involved in Special Olympics sports programs in more than 150 countries. The organization offers year-round training and competition in 26 Olympic-type summer and winter sports. There is no charge to participate in Special Olympics. Events are geared to accommodate a variety of levels of ability so that athletes can compete with others who have similar capabilities.

      The Special Olympics Oath is "Let me win. But if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt."


  Sailing 帆船

  Shooting 射击

  Swimming 游泳

  Table Tennis 乒乓球

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