

1023--Yeah, don't think I didn't notice that little item the first time we met.是啊,我们第一次见


1024--Look. Let me ask you a question. Are you afraid of me?看。让我问你一个问题。你怕我吗?

1025--Do you think I might go nuts?你想我可能会抓狂吗?

1026--You think I might go savage? You think I might try to eat you?然后我就会变野蛮?你觉得

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1028--I knew it, huh.我就知道,呵呵。

1029--Just when I thought somebody actually believed in me, huh?我才以为找到一个可以相信


1030--Probably best if you don't have a predator as a partner.找一个不是掠食者的搭档或许对


1031--No, Nick. Nick!不,妮可。妮可!

1032--Officer Hopps, were you just threatened by that predator?哈波斯警官,那掠食者刚威胁


1033--No, he's my friend.不,他是我的朋友。

1034--We can't even trust our own friends?我们甚至不能相信自己的朋友?

1035--That is not what I said. Please.那不是我的意思,拜托。

1036--- Are we safe? - Have any other foxes gone savage?- 我们是安全的吗? - 有其他狐狸会


1037--More bad news in this city gripped by fear. A caribou is in critical condition.在这个城市有


1038--The victim of a mauling by a savage polar bear.于早晨遭一只抓狂的北极熊攻击。

1039--This, the 27th such attack, comes just one week after ZPD Officer,对此,这是第 27 起案件,


1040--Judy Hopps connected the violence to traditionally predatory animals.朱迪哈波斯承认掠


1041--Meanwhile, a peace rally organized by popstar Gazelle was marred by protest.与此同时,


1042--- Go back to the forest, predator! - I am from the savannah.- 回到了森林,捕食! - 我是


1043--Zootopia is a unique place.动物乌托邦是一个独特的地方。

1044--It's a crazy, beautiful, diverse city. Where we celebrate our differences.这是一个疯狂的,


1045--This is not the Zootopia I know.这不是我所知道的动物乌托邦。

1046--The Zootopia I know is better than this.我所认识的动物邦比这还棒。

1047--We don't just blindly assign blame.我们不能一味的怪罪。

1048--We don't know why these attacks keep happening.我们不知道为什么这些攻击持续发生。

1049--But it's irresponsible to label all predators as savages.把所有猎食者都贴上标签是很不负


1050--It's not my Emmitt.这不是我的埃米特。

1051--We cannot let fear divide us.我们不能让恐惧把我们分开。

1052--Please give me back the Zootopia I love.请把我认识的动物邦带回来。

1053--Come on, Hopps. The new mayor wants to see us.来吧,哈波斯。新市长要见我们。

1054--The mayor? Why?市长?为什么?

1055--It would seem you've arrived.你到了就会知道了。

1056--Clawhauser? What are you doing?洪金豹?你在做什么?

1057--Uh. They thought it would be better if a predator 呃。他们认为这将是更好如果一个掠食

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1058--such as myself wasn't the first face that you see 像我这样的不是你看到的第一面

1059--when you walk into the ZPD.当你走进动物乌托邦警方。


1061--They're gonna move me to records. It's downstairs.他们要把我调去收发室。这是楼下。

1062--It's by the boiler.在锅炉旁边。

1063--Hopps1 哈波斯

1064--Integrity Honesty Bravery 正直诚实勇敢

1065--Emm. I don't understand.恩。我听不懂。

1066--Our city is 90% prey, Judy,我们的城市是 90%的猎物,朱迪,

1067--and right now they're just really scared.而现在他们只是真是吓坏了。

1068--You're a hero to them. They trust you.你是一个英雄给他们。他们信任你。

1069--And so that's why Chief Bogo and I want you to be the public face of the ZPD.所以这就是为


1070--I'm... not... I'm not a hero.我......不是......我不是英雄。

1071--I came here to make the world a better place. But...我来这里是为了让世界变得更美好。


1072--... I think I broke it....我想我把它弄坏了。

1073--Don't give yourself so much credit, Hopps.不要给自己那么多的责任,哈波斯。

1074--The world has always been broken, that's why we need good cops.这个世界本来总是被打


1075--Like you.就像你一样。

1076--With all due respect, sir, a good cop is supposed to serve and protect.恕我直言,先生,一


1077--Help the city. Not tear it apart.帮助城市。而不是毁了它。

1078--- I don't deserve this badge. - Hopps.- 我不值得这个徽章。 - 哈波斯。

1079--Judy, you've worked so hard to get here.朱迪,你好不容易努力到这了。

1080--It's what you've wanted since you were a kid.这是你自从小女孩时的梦想。

1081--You can't quit.你不能退出。

1082--Thank you for the opportunity.谢谢你的机会。

1083--A dozen carrots. Have a nice day.一打胡萝卜。祝你今天愉快。

1084--Come on.来吧。

1085--Hey there, Jude. Jude the Dude.嘿,朱迪。朱迪。

1086--Remember that one? How we doing?还记得那一个?你还好吗?

1087--- I'm fine. - You are not fine, your ears are droopy.- 我很好。 - 你不是很好,你的耳朵垂


1088--Why did I think I could make a difference?为什么我会认为我可以改变一切?

1089--- Because you're a trier, that's why. - You've always been a trier.- 因为你总是尝试,这就是

原因。 - 你总是努力尝试。

1090--Oh, I tried.哦,我尝试过了。

1091--And it made life so much worse for so many innocent predators.而这让生活变得更糟糕了


1092--Oh, not all of them, though. Speak of the devil. Right on time.哦,不是所有的人,虽然。


1093--Is that Gideon Grey?那是基甸恩葛瑞?

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1094--Yeah, it sure is. We work with him now.是的,可以肯定的是。我们现在和他一起工作。

1095--He's our partner. And we never would have considered it,他是我们的合作伙伴。我们永远


1096--- had you not opened our minds. - That's right.- 你有没有开放我们的思想。 - 那就对了。

1097--I mean, kid's turned into one of the top pastry chefs in the tri-burrows.我的意思是,孩子


1098--That's... That's really cool, you guys.这是......这真的很酷,你们这些家伙。

1099--Gideon Grey. I'll be darned.吉迪恩葛瑞。我该死。

1100--Hey, Judy. I'd just like to say I'm sorry for the way I behaved in my youth.嘿,朱迪。我只想


1101--I had a lot of self-doubt, and it manifested itself 我小时候没什么自信,

1102--in the form of unchecked rage and agression.只能靠欺负别人的行为来发泄。

1103--I was a major jerk.我是一个大混蛋。

1104--Well, I know a thing or two about being a jerk.嗯,我知道一两件事关于是一个混蛋。

1105--Anyhow, I brought you all these pies.无论如何,我给你带来了所有这些馅饼。

1106--Hey, kids! Don't you run through that midnicampum holicithias.嘿,孩子!难道你不通过

的 midnicampum holicithias。

1107--Whoa, whoa, whoa.哇,哇,哇。

1108--Well, now. There's a four-dollar word, Mr. H.现在好了。有一个四美元的字,H 先生

1109--My family always just call them Night Howlers.我家人都叫他夜嚎者。

1110--I'm sorry. What did you say?对不起。你说什么?

1111--Oh. Kid's talking about those flowers, Judy.哦。孩子们在谈论那些花儿,朱迪。

1112--I use them to keep the bugs off the produce, but I don't like the little ones going near them


1113--on acoount of what happened to your uncle Terry.自从你特里叔叔发生了那样的事。

1114--Yeah, Terry ate one whole when we were kids and went completely nuts.没错,特里叔叔


1115--He bit the dickens out of your mother.他还咬了你妈一大口。

1116--A bunny can go savage.兔子可以变野蛮。

1117--Savage? Well, that's a strong word. But it did hurt like the devil.野蛮?这词起来有点强烈,


1118--Well, sure it did. There's a sizable divot in your arm. I'd call that savage.当然算野蛮,你手


1119--Night Howlers aren't wolves, they're flowers.夜嚎者不是狼,是花。

1120--The flowers are making the predators go savage.花会让掠食者发狂。

1121--That's it! That's what I've been missing!就是这个,我就是忽略了这个!

1122--Oh, keys! Keys! Keys! Keys! Hurry, come on!哦,钥匙!钥匙!钥匙!钥匙!快点,加油!

1123--Oh. Thank you! I love you, bye!哦。谢谢!我爱你,再见!

1124--- You catch any of that, Bon? - Not one bit.-你有搞懂吗? - 完全没有。

1125--That makes me feel a little bit better,那让我感觉好一点了,

1126--I thought she was talking in tongues or something.我以为她是用方言什么的说话。

1127--Who is it?是谁呀?

1128--I need to find Nick. Please.我需要找到妮可。请。


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1131--Oh, Nick.哦,妮可。

1132--Night Howlers aren't wolves, they're toxic flowers.夜嚎者不是狼,它们是有毒的花。

1133--I think someone is targetting predators on purpose and making them go savage.我觉得有


1134--Wow. Isn't that interesting?哇。是不是很有趣?

1135--Wait, please don't.. I know you'll never forgive me.等等,请不要..我知道你永远不会原谅


1136--And I don't blame you.而且我不怪你。

1137--I wouldn't forgive me either.我也无法原谅自己。

1138--It was ignorant, and irresponsible, and small-minded.我是无知的,和不负责任的,和心


1139--But predators shouldn't suffer because of my mistakes.掠食者不应该因为我的错而被折


1140--I have to fix this.我必须解决这个问题。

1141--But I can't do it without you.但我不能没有你的帮忙。

1142--And... And after we're done...然后...然后我们就大功告成了之后...

1143--you can hate me. And...你可以恨我。并且...

1144--And that'll be fine.而这会没事的。

1145--Because I was a horrible friend and I hurt you.因为我是一个可怕的朋友而且我伤害了你。

1146--And you can walk away knowing that you were right. All along.而且你可以离开因为你是


1147--I really am just a dumb bunny.我真的只是一个愚蠢的兔子。

1148--I really am just a dumb bunny.我真的只是一个愚蠢的兔子。

1149--I really am just a dumb bunny.我真的只是一个愚蠢的兔子。

1150--Don't worry, Carrots, I'll let you erase it. In 48 hours.别担心,萝卜头,我会帮你的,48 小


1151--All right, get in here.好吧,过来吧。

1152--Okay. Oh, you bunnies. You're so emotional.好了。哦,你们兔子,总是这么情绪化。

1153--There we go, deep breath.这样就对了,深呼吸。

1154--Are you-Are you just trying to steal the pen?你是不是要偷我的笔?

1155--Is that what this is?这是什么?

1156--- You are standing on my tail, though. Oh, oh! - I'm sorry.- 你踩到我的尾巴了,虽然。奥,

奥! - 对不起。

1157--HOPPS FAMILY FARM 哈波斯家庭农场

1158--I thought you guys only grew carrots. Mmph.我以为你们只种胡萝卜。么。

1159--- What's your plan? - We are gonna follow the Night Howlers.- 你的计划是什么? - 我们


1160--Okay, how?好吧,怎么做呢?

1161--- Know this guy? - Uh-huh. I told you, I know everybody.- 知道这个人吗? - 嗯。我告诉


1162--Ha-ha. Well, hello! Step right up.呵呵。您好!靠过来看啊。

1163--Anything you need, I got it.有你要的一切,我知道了。

1164--All your favorite movies.所有您喜爱的电影。

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1165--I've got movies that haven't even been released yet.我甚至还有还没上映的电影。

1166--Hey, 15% off. 20!嘿,15 折优惠。 20!

1167--Make me an offer. Come on!让我的报价。来吧!

1168--Well, well, look who it is, the Duke of Bootleg.好了好了,看这是谁,盗版杜克。

1169--What's it to you, Wilde?怎么了,尾耳朵?

1170--Shouldn't you be melting down a Pawpsicle or something?你不应该融化冰棒之类的吗?

1171--Hey, if it isn't flopsy the copsie.嘿,这不是软趴趴的警察吗。

1172--We both know those weren't only onions I caught you stealing.我们都知道你偷的不是发


1173--What were you gonna do with those Night Howlers, Weselton?你打算把那些夜嚎者怎么


1174--It's Weaselton, Duke Weaselton. And I ain't talking, rabbit.是威斯登,杜克威斯登。我就


1175--And there ain't nothing you can do to make me.不管你做什么我都不会说的。

1176--Ice him.冻住他。

1177--Ahhh! Ho! Ho! Ho! Ah!唉唉!嗬!嗬!嗬!啊!

1178--You dirty rat, why are you helping her? She's a cop!你肮脏的老鼠,你为什么要帮她?她


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