

1317--claiming he was just trying to protect the city.表示他只是试着保护这座城市。

1318--Did I falsely imprison those animals?是我把这些动物关起来的吗?

1319--Well, yes. Yes, I did.嗯,是。是的我做了。

1320--It was a classic doing the wrong thing for the right reason kind of a deal.那是一个典型的为


1321--In related news, doctors say the Night Howlers' antidote is proving effective 据相关报道,


1322--in rehabilitating the afflicted predators.正在帮助病人康复。

1323--Oh, Emmitt!哦,埃米特!

1324--Thank you.谢谢你。

1325--When I was a kid,当我还是孩子的时候,

1326--I thought Zootopia was this perfect place.我认为动物邦是个完美无瑕的地方。

1327--Where everyone got along,在这里大家都合乐相处,

1328--and anyone could be anything.任何人都有无限可能。

1329--Turns out, real life is a little bit more complicated than a slogan on a bumper sticker.结果,


1330--Real life is messy.现实生活总是一团乱。

1331--We all have limitations.我们都有极限的。

1332--We all make mistakes.我们都会犯错。

1333--Which means, hey, glass half full, we all have a lot in common.这意味着,哎,杯子是半满,


1334--And the more we try to understand one another.而当我们试图了解更多时。

1335--The more exceptional each of us will be.我们将会更加出色。

1336--But we have to try.但是我们一定要去尝试。

1337--So no matter what type of animal you are.所以不管你是什么类型的动物。

1338--From the biggest elephant, to our first fox.从最大的大象,到我们第一只的狐狸警官。

1339--I implore you.我恳求你们。

1340--Try..... Try to make the world a better place.尝试.....尽量让世界变得更美好。

1341--OFFICER Nicholas P. Wilde 警官妮可辣死 屁颠 薇儿的

1342--Look inside yourself and recognize that change starts with you.好好看透你自己并了解到


1343--It starts with me. It starts with all of us.由我开始,也由我们所有人开始。

1344--- Yeh! - Yeh!- 耶! - 耶!

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1345--All right, all right, enough. Shut it!没事了,没事了,好了。关掉它!

1346--We have some new recruits with us this morning.今天早上我们新增了一位人力。

1347--Including our first fox. Who cares.包括我们的第一个狐狸警官。谁在乎。

1348--Hah. You should have your own line of inspirational greeting cards, sir.哈。哈你真应该出一


1349--Shut your mouth, Wilde.闭上你的嘴,薇儿的。


1351--Officers Grizzoli, Fragmire, Delgato. Tundratown SWAT.官员罗素提、梵麦恩、德尔加多,


1352--Snarlov, Higgins, Wolfard. Undercover.史纳多、迪克斯、沃尔玟,卧底警察。

1353--Hopps, Wilde. Parking duty.哈波斯 s,薇儿的。开交通罚单。


1355--Just kidding!开玩笑!

1356--We have reports of a street racer tearing up Savannah Central.我们有一个在萨凡纳中央


1357--Find him. Shut him down.找到他,并把他解决。

1358--So are all the rabbits bad drivers, or is it just you?那么,所有的兔子都是糟糕的司机,还


1359--Oops. Sorry.哎呀。抱歉。

1360--Heh heh. Sly bunny.嘿嘿。狡猾的兔子。

1361--Dumb fox.愚蠢的狐狸。

1362--You know you love me.你知道你爱我。

1363--Do I know that?我知道吗?

1364--Yes. Yes, I do.是。是的,我愿意。

1365--Sir, you were going 115 miles per hour, I hope you have a good explanation.先生,先生你

刚刚的时速达到 115 英里,我希望你有一个很好的解释。

1366--Flash, Flash. Hundred Yard Dash!闪电,闪电。百码冲刺!


1368--Good evening, Zootopia!晚上好,动物乌托邦!

1369--Come on, everybody. Put your paws up.所有人来吧,举起你的爪子。

1370--* I messed up tonight ** 今晚我搞砸了 *

1371--* I lost another fight ** 我失去了另一次战斗 *

1372--* I still mess up but I'll just start again ** 虽然搞砸了,但我依然会重新开始 *

1373--* I keep falling down ** 我总是摔倒 *

1374--* I keep on hitting the ground ** 我总是重重摔到地上 *

1375--* I always get up now to see what's next ** 我总是起床看到现在接下来会发生什么 *

1376--* I won’t give up, no I won’t give in * * 我绝不会屈服,绝不会放弃 *

1377--* Till I reach the end ** 直到我到达终点 *

1378--* And then I’ll start again * * 然后我会再次开始 *

1379--* Though I’m on the lead * * 虽然我在领先 *

1380--* I wanna try everything ** 我想尝试一切 *

1381--* I wanna try even though I could fail ** 我想试试,尽管我可能会失败 *

1382--* I won’t give up, no, I won’t give in * * 我不会放弃,不,我不会放弃 *

1383--* Till I reach the end ** 直到我到达终点 *

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1384--* And then I’ll start again * * 然后我会再次开始 *

1385--* No I won't leave ** 不,我不会离开 *

1386--* I wanna try everything ** 我想尝试一切 *

1387--* I wanna try even though I could fail ** 我想试试,尽管我可能会失败 *

1388--* Oh oh oh oh ** 哦 哦 哦 哦 *

1389--* Try everything ** 尝试一切 *

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